Domestic Abuse News Roundup: w/c 30th May 2022

domestic abuse news w/c 30.5.22

🧾 Migrant women left out of VAWG Treaty

Following a 10 year delay, the UK is set to ratify the Istanbul Convention – but only partially.

Some family visas require applicants to live together permanently whilst in the UK. Article 59 requires states to grant residence to survivors of DA whose immigration status relies on these terms.

But the UK is set to withhold Article 59 from ratification. In response, over 80 women’s organisations have signed an open letter to Priti Patel, highlighting that this reversal would deny migrant women survivors lifesaving support.

⚖️ Restorative Justice pilot for domestic abuse survivors

Survivors of sexual violence and DA can now request face to face meetings with those who harmed them as part of a restorative justice pilot in Scotland.

Ministers plan to ensure that facilitators are specially trained to support survivors through this process, which will begin with thorough risk assessment and planning.

Some survivors who have taken the opportunity have spoken positively about the experience, however there are concerns that this will provide opportunity for perpetrators to further manipulate and control survivors.

👮🏿 Kent Police open Domestic Abuse Hub

A Kent Police specialist DA Hub has been set up in Thanet, which aims to provide instant virtual support to victims of domestic abuse.

This means that the recording of crime and gathering of evidence, as well as sharing of safeguarding advice and referrals can be done at the earliest opportunity.

The hub will be supported by new specialist roles aimed at supporting the most vulnerable victims, and bringing perpetrators to justice. This pilot will be assessed before a wider roll-out across Kent is considered.


📝 write to your MP asking that they take part in the IC Change UK Parliamentary Photocall on 8 June calling the UK Government to make #IstanbulConvention law without reservations & protect ALL women from violence.

Sources: The Isle of Thanet News, BBC News, IC Change UK

Your weekly domestic abuse news roundup was curated by our volunteer Carlie Taylor ✨