Businesses & Organisations
We believe domestic abuse is everybody’s business – as colleagues and employers we all can and need to play a part in taking a proactive and supportive approach to protecting women experiencing domestic abuse, so thank you for finding us.
How do we work with businesses and organisations?
- We deliver awareness training to help you understand domestic abuse and the best way to help those affected
- We deliver policy review and consultancy
- We work in partnership in a variety of ways, from delivering work in the community together, to helping you fundraise for SATEDA

Domestic Abuse Basic Awareness
Suitable for: all roles – both client facing and otherwise
This training provides an overview of the dynamics of domestic abuse.
Risk Assessment and Safety Planning
Suitable for: those who have contact with clients.
Requirements: Basic Awareness training to have been previously completed, or learner should possess some knowledge of domestic abuse as part of current role.
This training provides an introduction to completing risk assessments and the process of safety planning.
Stalking and Harassment
Suitable for: all roles but those clients will find this training most useful.
Requirements: Basic awareness, risk assessment and safety planning training to have been completed, or learner should have good knowledge of domestic abuse as part of current role.
This training offers an introduction to the offence of stalking and harassment, including legal responses to this offence.
Domestic Abuse and Effects on Children
Suitable for: professionals working directly with children and families in any capacity.
Requirements: Risk assessment and safety planning training to have been completed, or learner should have good knowledge of domestic abuse as part of current role.
This training covers how domestic abuse affects children and young people and how services can respond to their needs.
We can also deliver bespoke training sessions on specific topics depending on the needs of your organisation. If you would like to invite us to come and deliver training to your organisation, please contact us.

Does your workplace have a domestic abuse policy?
Only 5% organisations have specific guidelines or policy domestic abuse in place, yet 86% of companies believe they have a duty of care towards domestic abuse victims. This is why we’re urging all businesses to consider domestic abuse in their workplace – do you know if there’s one in place where you work?
Businesses are not expected to become instant experts around the complex issues of domestic abuse, but being open about domestic abuse, reducing stigma, having a workplace domestic abuse policy and encouraging a safe culture can be easily put in place and can change and save lives.
Domestic abuse is everybody’s business
We all have a role to play in challenging the gender inequalities which mean women and children disproportionately experience violence every day.
It requires a collaborative effort which needs to be tackled at all levels of society – so whatever it is you do, let’s work together.

Interested in our training or consultancy?
Please let us know in the form below how you’d like us to work with you and someone from our team will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your query.
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