Supporters Newsletter

Welcome to our Supporters Newsletter!

This year the domestic abuse sector has experienced many challenges, and tragically during lock down we’ve seen a rise in domestic abuse cases across the world. Despite these challenges, SATEDA continues to be here to support those who are escaping or recovering from domestic abuse.
Over lockdown we launched some exciting new projects; last month, we launched our Project Hope, letter campaign to help women facing isolation in East Sutton Park Prison and in May we introduced our online chat service accessible via our website. We have also been collating inspiring SATEDA stories of survival to be released over the coming newsletters and have an informative video on our upcoming Young People and Family programmes.

Below we report on some exciting fundraising stories and will be sharing ideas so you can virtually fundraise for us while the Covid-19 pandemic continues to make traditional fundraising methods more difficult.

None of this would be possible without you! And we need your help to continue on our journey to end domestic abuse.

If you are viewing this newsletter on our website, make sure you are subscribed to our mailing list so you don’t miss out on future issues.

Do they Ever-rest? Our volunteers raise mountains of cash for SATEDA

A huge congratulations to Stef who has completed her fundraising challenge by climbing 5 peaks in the Lake District in just one day! Stef’s work raised over £500 for SATEDA – that’s the equivalent of supporting three women through a 12-week recovery and empowerment programme, or funding 50 support sessions!

Your fundraising really goes a long way to help change lives. 

If you’re ready to start fundraising Here are some ideas!

Back to school safely with our improved support for young people

Our new and improved 1:1 and Family programmes will be flexible to accommodate the needs of the child. We’ll cover a range of elements such as mindfulness deliver support with healthy relationships, dreaming and goals and managing emotions.

From September, we will be taking external client referrals and rolling the programmes out to help as many people in the community as we can.

It’s really important to SATEDA that these programmes are personalised, child-centred and really meet the needs of the client.

Here’s our Young Persons Support Worker Jo on how our programmes deliver meaningful change.

NEW: Project Hope

We’re excited to empower women to support other women and we are just about to send off our first batch of 75 letters and cards to HMP East Sutton Park. This project is aimed at supporting residents who are not seeing their family and friends due to Covid-19.

There are currently 3,424 women in prison (as of April 2020), many of whom are locked in their cells for 23 hours a day and for whom visits, which can be a vital lifeline, have been suspended to stem the spread of Covid-19. Some ladies do not receive any or very little post from the outside world and we do not want these residents to feel forgotten.

If you’d like to get involved in Project Hope email

The 2020 Virgin Money London Marathon 4th October: 13 SATEDA participants – Running it their way!


We have 13 SATEDA participants taking place in Virgin Money’s first ever virtual London Marathon next month! Keep an eye on our social media if you would like to support them and follow their journey.

Alison’s Story

“I have felt empowered through creativity during lockdown”

I have been volunteering with SATEDA for a couple of years now after completing the Recovery Toolkit programme. A few years before that I completed the Freedom Programme, and both have been invaluable in supporting me through my experiences of domestic abuse.

I first started volunteering as a Child and Adult Youth Programme assistant. I am now looking forward to being part of Project Hope, which will help empower women in prison who are not having any visitors at present.

I have recently become empowered myself during lockdown by creating again. I have a creative background anyway, but when life took a turn I left that part of me behind. The picture above is an example of a recent success of mine: it is a water colour that I produced of Maidstone bridge and am currently exhibiting among other artists in Summer Exhibition in Nucleus arts. I have also done some pieces for friends. I find that focusing on something you enjoy is very therapeutic and rewarding.

Your support helped change Alison’s life.

There are lots of women like Alison who are still trapped in abusive relationships, women who need our support to take back control and could benefit from our programmes like Alison did. Just £10 could fund one of our support sessions, while £150 could pay for a woman to attend a life-changing twelve-week programme.

Thank you for being part of our campaign to end domestic abuse. If you would like to become more involved in any of our programmes, please visit our website.

Together, we can changes lives.

Dates for the diary

10th October marks World Mental Health Day – an initiative created to get people talking about the most prevalent mental health issues across the globe, World Mental Health Day 2020 is themed around providing good support to people in the workplace. It can be a great motivator to reflect and be mindful of your own mental health, particularly this year on the subject of depression.

11th October – International Day of the Girl: The United Nations created this special day because empowerment and investment in girls are critical for economic growth, for the eradication of poverty, and to break the cycle of discrimination and violence.
[Days e.g. women’s day, DA day, wear it purple, equality pride, mental health, empowerment]

25th November every year marks the United Nations Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse use this time of year to celebrate the strength of women who have survived VAWG or supported someone who has through the distribution of flowers, Blooming Strong Awards and Coffee Morning Fundraisers. This national campaign enables people to celebrate the best of their locality and raise funds for their own services, whilst spreading a message that honours how Blooming Strong women are!

Standing Together will be also hosting special guests including Nicole Jacobs and Becky O’Brien on a Blooming Strong Network Brunch 26th November. You can sign up here and find more events on their website.