The Andy Williams song tells us Christmas is the “most wonderful time of the year.” However, with added financial pressure and increased alcohol consumption every year it’s expected there will be a surge in domestic violence over the Christmas period. This month we also learned from the BBC, if statistics are correct, an estimated 4200 women across the world have been killed by a partner or family member during November. That’s 137 women a day and around 50,000 in total in 2018.
For the Blog section of our newsletter this month we thought it would be good to re-share a story about a women who we supported to escape domestic abuse. Janey was a victim of her husband’s violence and control for many years but she did escape. After police intervention and support from SATEDA she was able to break free and start a new life. Yes, the statistics which came out this month, are shocking but there is hope as many women escape domestic abuse every day. Organisations like SATEDA work hard to enable families to escape domestic abuse but also campaign to ensure statutory services are playing their part to protect victims too
As we come the end of 2018 please can we take the opportunity to thank everyone for the continued support during the year. We sincerely hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and whatever you’re doing hope you have some time to rest and recharge.
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